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Monday, 4 February 2019

There is a need to strengthen the foundation of standard 1 to 8: Education Minister

There is a need to strengthen the foundation of standard 1 to 8: Education Minister

The role of the School Management Committee in primary education becomes more effective and decisive in education reforms, besides meeting the needs of the various organizations like SMC and school teachers, in order to further enhance the teaching of education, in the presence of Education Minister Shri Bhupendrasinh Chudasama in the presence of the American Indian Foundation – AIF The annual meeting of the School Management Committee members across the state was organized by Tata Chemical Society for Rural Development. During the conference, panel discussions were discussed on two issues. In which government, CSR And with the concerted effort of voluntary organizations, the issues related to strengthening the quality of school management and education were discussed inclusive.

Minister of Education Bhupendrasinh Chudasama Addressing the members of the committee, the state government has implemented diagnostic testing and remedial programs for school admission ceremony, Gunotsav, Mission Vidyasya, weekly test and standard-2 students, in which the members of the school’s SMC participants participate in such programs. It is time to play a result oriented role.
Primary education is the foundation of academic careers. To strengthen this foundation, with the help of teachers and teachers of the school, continuous coordination and consultation, SMC The Education Minister expressed hope that continuous support of members of the Committee will bring a certain qualitative improvement in education. He said that there is a need to strengthen the foundation of standard 1 to 8. SMC members can do the same with continuing follow up teachers of school-educated children and school level.
Who else can play a better role than the members of primary school SMMC in the process of reaching primary school, reaching standard-1 to standard-12 and many graduates? After completing elementary education with a child studying in a primary school and in a warm atmosphere and with the help of guardians and teachers, it is only necessary for secondary and higher education to get it. Only the primary education is very well done by the children of their own village, the vigilance and the necessary arrangements remain in the counseling of the school. Have to do This is not a big special responsibility. The responsibility of coordinating between the school and the child is the SMC’s. When the awareness and responsibilities of SMC members are similar to social status, the Minister of Education also said.

There is a need to strengthen the foundation of standard 1 to 8: Education Minister

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